Lodge Hotel & Conference Center
900 Spruce Hills Dr., Bettendorf, Ia. 52722
Items Surplus to the Needs of the Lodge Hotel & Conference Center
Sale Completed Winter 2015
Lodge Hotel & Conference Center Liquidation
(Jumers Castle)
210 Rooms Complete
Fill out the form below to register
* 210 Guest Rooms
* Commercial Kitchen Equipment
* 1000’s of Guest Room Linens
* Common Area Furnishings
* Fine Arts & Antiques
* Heads & Full Body Mounts
* Commercial Laundry Equipment
* Office Furnishings
* Lobby & Common Area furnishings
* Architectural Fixtures
* Pool & Patio Furnishings
* Banquet Tables & Stack Chairs
TERMS: All Items are priced, tagged and sold on an “AS IS, WHERE IS BASIS”. Buyer is responsible for removing their purchase in accordance with ICL’S “Procedures Terms & Conditions”. Payment by Cash, Visa, MC, Wire, Guaranteed Bank Checks Only. 15% BUYERS PREMIUM + LOCAL SALES TAX ON ALL PURCHASES! PHOTO I.D. REQUIRED FOR ENTRY TO SALE.
Visit www.ICLSales.com for more information